9. Scoring files

Mikado employs user-defined configuration files to define the desirable features in genes. These files are in TOML, YAML or JSON format (default YAML) and are composed of five sections:

  1. a requirements section, specifying the minimum requirements that a transcript must satisfy to be considered as valid. Any transcript failing these requirements will be scored at 0 and purged.
  2. a cds_requirements section, specifying minimal conditions for a transcript to retain its CDS. If a transcript fails this check, it will be stripped of its coding component. If this section is not provided, the default will be to copy the requirements section above (in practice disabling it).
  3. a not_fragmentary section, specifying the minimum requirements that the primary transcript of a locus has to satisfy in order for the locus not to be considered as a putative fragment.
  4. an as_requirements section, which specifies the minimum requirements for transcripts for them to be considered as possible valid alternative splicing events.
  5. a scoring section, specifying which features Mikado should look for in transcripts, and how each of them will be weighted.

Conditions are specified using a strict set of available operators and the values they have to consider.


Although at the moment Mikado does not offer any method to establish machine-learning based scoring configurations, it is a topic we plan to investigate in the future. Mikado already supports Random Forest Regressors as scorers through Scikit-learn, but we have yet to devise a proper way to create such regressors.

We provide a guide on how to write your own scoring files in a separate tutorial.

9.1. Operators

Mikado allows the following operators to express a relationship inside the scoring files:

  • eq: equal to (\(=\)). Valid for comparisons with numbers, boolean values, and strings.
  • ne: different from (\(\neq\)). Valid for comparisons with numbers, boolean values, and strings.
  • lt: less than (\(<\)). Valid for comparisons with numbers.
  • gt: greater than (\(>\)). Valid for comparisons with numbers.
  • le: less or equal than (\(\le\)). Valid for comparisons with numbers.
  • ge: greater or equal than (\(\ge\)). Valid for comparisons with numbers.
  • in: member of (\(\in\)). Valid for comparisons with arrays or sets.
  • not in: not member of (\(\notin\)). Valid for comparisons with arrays or sets.
  • within: value comprised in the range of the two values, inclusive.
  • not within: value not comprised in the range of the two values, inclusive.

Mikado will fail if an operator not present on this list is specified, or if the operator is assigned to compare against the wrong data type (eg. eq with an array).

9.1.1. The “requirements”, “cds_requirements”, “as_requirements” and “not_fragmentary” sections

These sections specifies the minimum requirements for a transcript at various stages.

  • A transcript failing to pass the requirements check will be discarded outright (if “purge” is selected) or given a score of 0 otherwise.
  • After passing the rquirements section, if the transcript is coding, Mikado will check whether its CDS passes the requirements specified in cds_requirements. If the check fails, the transcripts will be stripped of its CDS, and will only be considered further as a non-coding transcript. This check can be used to properly consider transcripts that have a suspicious coding structure - e.g. a single coding exon in a transcript with five or more exons, or a low Coding Potential score coming from a third-party tool.
  • If a transcript has not been selected as the primary transcript of a locus, it has to pass the as_requirements check to be considered as a valid alternative splicing event.
  • Finally, after loci have been defined, the primary transcript of each locus will be checked against the not_fragmentary expression. Any locus failing this check will be marked as a potential fragment and, if in the vicinity of other loci, might be purged out of the final output or clearly marked as a fragment (depending on whether the purge switch is set to true or false, respectively).

It is strongly advised to use lenient parameters in the first requirements section, as failing to do so might result in discarding whole loci. Typically, transcripts filtered at this step should be obvious artefacts, eg monoexonic transcripts produced by RNA-Seq with a total length lower than the library fragment length.

Each of these sections follows the same template, and they are composed by two parts:

  • parameters: a list of the metrics to be considered. Each metric can be considered multiple times, by suffixing it with a “.<id>” construct (eg cdna_length.*mono* vs. cdna_length.*multi* to distinguish two uses of the cdna_length metric - once for monoexonic and once for multiexonic transcripts). Any parameter which is not a valid metric name, after removal of the suffix, will cause an error. Parameters have to specify the following:

    • a value that the metric has to be compared against
    • an operator that specifies the target operation. See the operators section.
  • expression: a string array that will be compiled into a valid boolean expression. All the metrics present in the expression string must be present in the parameters section. If an unrecognized metric is present, Mikado will crash immediately, complaining that the scoring file is invalid. Apart from brackets, Mikado accepts only the following boolean operators to chain the metrics:

    • and
    • or
    • not
    • xor


if no expression is specified, Mikado will construct one by chaining all the provided parameters with and and operator. Most of the time, this would result in an unexpected behaviour - ie Mikado assigning a score of 0 to most transcripts. It is strongly advised to explicitly provide a valid expression.

As an example, the following snippet replicates a typical requirements section found in a scoring file:

  expression: [((exon_num.multi and cdna_length.multi and max_intron_length and min_intron_length), or,
    (exon_num.mono and cdna_length.mono))]
    cdna_length.mono: {operator: gt, value: 50}
    cdna_length.multi: {operator: ge, value: 100}
    exon_num.mono: {operator: eq, value: 1}
    exon_num.multi: {operator: gt, value: 1}
    max_intron_length: {operator: le, value: 20000}
    min_intron_length: {operator: ge, value: 5}

In the parameters section, we ask for the following:

  • exon_num.mono: monoexonic transcripts must have one exon (“eq”)
  • exon_num.multi: multiexonic transcripts must have more than one exon (“gt”)
  • cdna_length.mono: monoexonic transcripts must have a length greater than 50 bps (the “.mono” suffix is arbitrary, as long as it is unique for all calls of cdna_length)
  • cdna_length.multi: multiexonic transcripts must have a length greater than or equal to 100 bps (the “.multi” suffix is arbitrary, as long as it is unique for all calls of cdna_length)
  • max_intron_length: multiexonic transcripts should not have any intron longer than 200,000 bps.
  • min_intron_length: multiexonic transcripts should not have any intron smaller than 5 bps.

The expression field will be compiled into the following expression:

(exon_num > 1 and cdna_length >= 100 and max_intron_length <= 200000 and min_intron_length >= 5) or (exon_num == 1 and cdna_length > 50)

Any transcript for which the expression evaluates to false will be assigned a score of 0 outright and discarded, unless the user has chosen to disable the purging of such transcripts.

9.2. The scoring section

This section specifies which metrics will be used by Mikado to score the transcripts. Each metric to be used is specified as a subsection of the configuration, and will have the following attributes:

  • rescaling: the only compulsory attribute. It specifies the kind of scoring that will be applied to the metric, and it has to be one of “max”, “min”, or “target”. See the explanation on the scoring algorithm for details.

  • value: compulsory if the chosen rescaling algorithm is “target”. This should be either a number or a boolean value.

  • multiplier: the weight assigned to the metric in terms of scoring. This parameter is optional; if absent, as it is in the majority of cases, Mikado will consider the multiplier to equal to 1. This is the \(w_{m}\) element in the equations above.

  • filter: It is possible to specify a filter which the metric has to fulfill to be considered for scoring, eg, “cdna_length >= 200”. If the transcript fails to pass this filter, the score for this metric only will be set to 0. The filter can apply to a different metric, so it is possible to e.g. assign a score of 0 for, say, “combined_cds” to any transcript whose “cdna_length” is, say, below 150 bps. A “filter” subsection has to specify the following:

    • operator: the operator to apply for the boolean expression. See the relative section.
    • value: value that will be used to assess the metric.
    • metric: optional. The metric that this filter refers to. If omitted, this will be identical to the metric under examination.


the purpose of the filter section is to allow for fine-tuning of the scoring mechanism; ie it allows to penalise transcripts with undesirable qualities (eg a possible retained intron) without discarding them outright. As such, it is a less harsh version of the requirements section and it is the preferred way of specifying which transcript features Mikado should be wary of.

For example, this is a snippet of a scoring section:

    blast_score: {rescaling: max}
    cds_not_maximal: {rescaling: min}
    combined_cds_fraction: {rescaling: target, value: 0.8, multiplier: 2}
        filter: {operator: le, value: 2500}
        rescaling: target
        value: 100
        filter: {operator: lt, value: 55}
        rescaling: min
        rescaling: max
        multiplier: -10
            operator: gt
            value: 1
            metric: exons_num

Using this snippet as a guide, Mikado will score transcripts in each locus as follows:

  • Assign a full score (one point, as no multiplier is specified) to transcripts which have the greatest blast_score
  • Assign a full score (one point, as no multiplier is specified) to transcripts which have the lowest amount of CDS bases in secondary ORFs (cds_not_maximal)
  • Assign a full score (two points, as a multiplier of 2 is specified) to transcripts that have a total amount of CDS bps approximating 80% of the transcript cDNA length (combined_cds_fraction)
  • Assign a full score (one point, as no multiplier is specified) to transcripts that have a 5’ UTR whose length is nearest to 100 bps (five_utr_length); if the 5’ UTR is longer than 2,500 bps, this score will be 0 (see the filter section)
  • Assign a full score (one point, as no multiplier is specified) to transcripts which have the lowest distance between the CDS end and the most downstream exon-exon junction (end_distance_from_junction). If such a distance is greater than 55 bps, assign a score of 0, as it is a probable target for NMD (see the filter section).
  • Assign a maximum penalty (minus 10 points, as a negative multiplier is specified) to the transcript with the highest number of non-verified introns in the locus.
    • Again, we are using a “filter” section to define which transcripts will be exempted from this scoring (in this case, a penalty)
    • However, please note that we are using the keyword metric in this section. This tells Mikado to check a different metric for evaluating the filter. Nominally, in this case we are excluding from the penalty any monoexonic transcript. This makes sense as a monoexonic transcript will never have an intron to be confirmed to start with.


The possibility of using different metrics for the “filter” section is present from Mikado 1.3 onwards.

9.3. Metrics

These are all the metrics available to quantify transcripts. The documentation for this section has been generated using the metrics utility.

Metrics belong to one of the following categories:

  • Descriptive: these metrics merely provide a description of the transcript (eg its ID) and are not used for scoring.
  • cDNA: these metrics refer to basic features of any transcript such as its number of exons, its cDNA length, etc.
  • Intron: these metrics refer to features related to the number of introns and their lengths.
  • CDS: these metrics refer to features related to the CDS assigned to the transcript.
  • UTR: these metrics refer to features related to the UTR of the transcript. In the case in which a transcript has been assigned multiple ORFs, unless otherwise stated the UTR metrics will be derived only considering the selected ORF, not the combination of all of them.
  • Locus: these metrics refer to features of the transcript in relationship to all other transcripts in its locus, eg how many of the introns present in the locus are present in the transcript. These metrics are calculated by Mikado during the picking phase, and as such their value can vary during the different stages as the transcripts are shifted to different groups.
  • External: these metrics are derived from accessory data that is recovered for the transcript during the run time. Examples include data regarding the number of introns confirmed by external programs such as Portcullis, or the BLAST score of the best hits.
  • Attributes: these metrics are extracted at runtime from attributes present in the input files. An example of this could be the TPM or FPKM values assigned to transcripts by rna expression analysis software.


Starting from version 1 beta8, Mikado allows to use externally defined metrics for the transcripts. These can be accessed using the keyword “external.<name of the metrics>” within the configuration file. See the relevant section for details.


Starting from version 2, Mikado allows to use attribute defined metrics for the transcripts. These can be accessed using the keyword “attributes.<name of the metric>” within the scoring file. See the relevant section for details.


Starting from Mikado 1 beta 8, it is possible to use metrics with values between 0 and 1 directly as scores, without rescaling. From Mikado 2, it is also possible to treat values that are between 0 and 100 in the same way; Mikado will convert them automatically to be between 0 and 1, internally. It is also possible to instruct Mikado, during scoring, to use certain values as percentages by adding the percentage = True for the scoring parameter.

Metric name Description Category Data type Usable raw
tid ID of the transcript - cannot be an undefined value. Alias of id. Descriptive str False
parent Name of the parent feature of the transcript. Descriptive str False
score Numerical value which summarizes the reliability of the transcript. Descriptive str False
external_scores SPECIAL this Namespace contains all the information regarding external scores for the transcript. If an absent property is not defined in the Namespace, Mikado will set a default value of 0 into the Namespace and return it. External Namespace True
alias This property returns the alias of the transcript, if present, else its ID Descriptive str False
best_bits Metric that returns the best BitS associated with the transcript. External float False
blast_identity This metric will return the alignment identity for the best BLAST hit according to the evalue. If no BLAST hits are available for the sequence, it will return 0. :return: :return: External float True
blast_query_coverage This metric will return the query coverage for the best BLAST hit according to the evalue. If no BLAST hits are available for the sequence, it will return 0. :return: External float True
blast_score Interchangeable alias for testing different blast-related scores. Current: best bit score. External float False
blast_target_coverage This metric will return the target coverage for the best BLAST hit according to the evalue. If no BLAST hits are available for the sequence, it will return 0. :return: :return: External float True
canonical_intron_proportion This metric returns the proportion of canonical introns of the transcript on its total number of introns. Intron float True
cdna_length This property returns the length of the transcript. cDNA int False
cds_disrupted_by_ri This property describes whether the CDS is interrupted within a retained intron. Locus bool True
cds_not_maximal This property returns the length of the CDS excluded from the selected ORF. CDS int False
cds_not_maximal_fraction This property returns the fraction of bases not in the selected ORF compared to the total number of CDS bases in the cDNA. CDS float True
combined_cds_fraction This property return the percentage of the CDS part of the transcript vs. the cDNA length CDS float True
combined_cds_intron_fraction This property returns the fraction of CDS introns of the transcript vs. the total number of CDS introns in the Locus. If the transcript is by itself, it returns 1. Locus float True
combined_cds_length This property return the length of the CDS part of the transcript. CDS int False
combined_cds_locus_fraction This metric returns the fraction of CDS bases of the transcript vs. the total of CDS bases in the locus. Locus float True
combined_cds_num This property returns the number of non-overlapping CDS segments in the transcript. CDS int False
combined_cds_num_fraction This property returns the fraction of non-overlapping CDS segments in the transcript vs. the total number of exons CDS float True
combined_utr_fraction This property returns the fraction of the cDNA which is not coding according to any ORF. Complement of combined_cds_fraction UTR float True
combined_utr_length This property return the length of the UTR part of the transcript. UTR int False
end_distance_from_junction This metric returns the cDNA distance between the stop codon and the last junction in the transcript. In many eukaryotes, this distance cannot exceed 50-55 bps otherwise the transcript becomes a target of NMD. If the transcript is not coding or there is no junction downstream of the stop codon, the metric returns 0. This metric considers the combined CDS end. CDS int False
end_distance_from_tes This property returns the distance of the end of the combined CDS from the transcript end site. If no CDS is defined, it defaults to 0. CDS int False
exon_fraction This property returns the fraction of exons of the transcript which are contained in the sublocus. If the transcript is by itself, it returns 1. Set from outside. Locus float True
exon_num This property returns the number of exons of the transcript. cDNA int False
five_utr_length Returns the length of the 5’ UTR of the selected ORF. UTR float False
five_utr_num This property returns the number of 5’ UTR segments for the selected ORF. UTR int False
five_utr_num_complete This property returns the number of 5’ UTR segments for the selected ORF, considering only those which are complete exons. UTR int False
has_start_codon Boolean. True if the selected ORF has a start codon. CDS bool False
has_stop_codon Boolean. True if the selected ORF has a stop codon. CDS bool False
highest_cds_exon_number This property returns the maximum number of CDS segments among the ORFs; this number can refer to an ORF DIFFERENT from the maximal ORF. CDS int False
highest_cds_exons_num Returns the number of CDS segments in the selected ORF (irrespective of the number of exons involved) CDS int False
intron_fraction This property returns the fraction of introns of the transcript vs. the total number of introns in the Locus. If the transcript is by itself, it returns 1. Set from outside. Locus float True
is_complete Boolean. True if the selected ORF has both start and end. CDS bool False
is_reference Checks whether the transcript has been marked as reference by Mikado prepare External bool False
max_exon_length This metric will return the length of the biggest exon in the transcript. cDNA int False
max_intron_length This property returns the greatest intron length for the transcript. Intron int False
min_exon_length This metric will return the length of the biggest exon in the transcript. cDNA int False
min_intron_length This property returns the smallest intron length for the transcript. Intron int False
non_verified_introns_num This metric returns the number of introns of the transcript which are not validated by external data. External int False
num_introns_greater_than_max This metric returns the number of introns greater than the maximum acceptable intron size indicated in the constructor. Intron int False
num_introns_smaller_than_min This metric returns the number of introns smaller than the mininum acceptable intron size indicated in the constructor. Intron int False
number_internal_orfs This property returns the number of ORFs inside a transcript. CDS int False
only_non_canonical_splicing This metric will return True if the canonical_number is 0 Intron bool False
original_source This property returns the original source assigned to the transcript (before Mikado assigns its own final source value). Descriptive str False
proportion_verified_introns This metric returns, as a fraction, how many of the transcript introns are validated by external data. External float True
proportion_verified_introns_inlocus This metric returns, as a fraction, how many of the verified introns inside the Locus are contained inside the transcript. In loci without any verified introns, this metric will be set to 1. Locus float True
retained_fraction This property returns the fraction of the cDNA which is contained in retained introns. Locus float True
retained_intron_num This property records the number of introns in the transcripts which are marked as being retained. See the corresponding method in the sublocus class. Locus int False
selected_cds_exons_fraction Returns the fraction of CDS segments in the selected ORF (irrespective of the number of exons involved) CDS float True
selected_cds_fraction This property calculates the fraction of the selected CDS vs. the cDNA length. CDS float True
selected_cds_intron_fraction This property returns the fraction of CDS introns of the selected ORF of the transcript vs. the total number of CDS introns in the Locus (considering only the selected ORF). If the transcript is by itself, it should return 1. CDS float True
selected_cds_length This property calculates the length of the CDS selected as best inside the cDNA. CDS int False
selected_cds_locus_fraction This metric returns the fraction of CDS bases of the transcript vs. the total of CDS bases in the locus. Locus float True
selected_cds_num This property calculates the number of CDS exons for the selected ORF CDS int False
selected_cds_number_fraction This property returns the proportion of best possible CDS segments vs. the number of exons. See selected_cds_number. CDS float False
selected_end_distance_from_junction This metric returns the distance between the stop codon and the last junction of the transcript. In many eukaryotes, this distance cannot exceed 50-55 bps, otherwise the transcript becomes a target of NMD. If the transcript is not coding or there is no junction downstream of the stop codon, the metric returns 0. CDS int False
selected_end_distance_from_tes This property returns the distance of the end of the best CDS from the transcript end site. If no CDS is defined, it defaults to 0. CDS int False
selected_start_distance_from_tss This property returns the distance of the start of the best CDS from the transcript start site. If no CDS is defined, it defaults to 0. CDS int False
snowy_blast_score Metric that indicates how good a hit is compared to the competition, in terms of BLAST similarities. As in SnowyOwl, the score for each hit is calculated by taking the coverage of the target and dividing it by (2 * len(self.blast_hits)). IMPORTANT: when splitting transcripts by ORF, a blast hit is added to the new transcript only if it is contained within the new transcript. This WILL screw up a bit the homology score. External float False
source_score This metric returns a score that is assigned to the transcript in virtue of its origin. External float False
start_distance_from_tss This property returns the distance of the start of the combined CDS from the transcript start site. If no CDS is defined, it defaults to 0. CDS int False
suspicious_splicing This metric will return True if the transcript either has canonical introns on both strands (probably a chimeric artifact between two neighbouring loci, or if it has no canonical splicing event but it would if it were assigned to the opposite strand (probably a strand misassignment on the part of the assembler/predictor). Intron bool False
three_utr_length Returns the length of the 5’ UTR of the selected ORF.   int False
three_utr_num This property returns the number of 3’ UTR segments (referred to the selected ORF). UTR int False
three_utr_num_complete This property returns the number of 3’ UTR segments for the selected ORF, considering only those which are complete exons. UTR int False
utr_fraction This property calculates the length of the UTR of the selected ORF vs. the cDNA length. UTR float True
utr_length Returns the sum of the 5’+3’ UTR lengths UTR int False
utr_num Returns the number of UTR segments (referred to the selected ORF). UTR int False
utr_num_complete Returns the number of UTR segments which are complete exons (referred to the selected ORF). UTR int False
verified_introns_num This metric returns the number of introns of the transcript which are validated by external data. External int False

9.4. External metrics

Starting from version 1 beta 8, Mikado allows to load external metrics into the database, to be used for evaluating transcripts. Metrics of this kind must have a value comprised between 0 and 1. The file can be provided either by specifying it in the coonfiguration file, under “serialise/files/external_scores”, or on the command line with the “–external-scores” parameters to mikado serialise. The external scores file should have the following format:

TID Metric_one Metric_two Metric_N
Transcript_one value value   value
Transcript_two value value   value
Transcript_N value value   value

Please note the following:

  • the header is mandatory.
  • the metric names at the head of the table should not contain any space or spcecial characters, apart from the underscore (_)
  • the header provides the name of the metric as will be seen by Mikado. As such, it is advised to choose sensible and informative names (e.g. “fraction_covered”) rather than uninformative ones (e.g. the “metric_one” from above)
  • Column names must be unique.
  • The transcript names present in the first column must be present in the FASTA file.
  • The table should be tab-separated.
  • Values can be of any numerical or boolean type. However, only values that are determined at serialisation to be comprised within 0 and 1 (inclusive), or between 0 and 100 (ie percentages) can be used as raw values.

A proper way of generating and using external scores would, therefore, be the following:

  • Run Mikado prepare on the input dataset.
  • Run all necessary supplementary analyses (ORF calling and/or homology analysis through DIAMOND or BLAST).
  • Run supplementary analyses to assess the transcripts, e.g. expression analysis. Normalise results so that they can be expressed with values between 0 and 1.
    • Please note that boolean results (e.g. presence or absence) can be expressed with 0 and 1 intead of “False” and “True”. Customarily, in Python 0 stands for False and 1 for True, but you can choose to switch the order if you so desire.
  • Aggregate all results in a text table, like the one above, tab separated.
  • Call mikado serialise, specifying the location of this table either through the configuration file or on the command line invocation.

Given the open ended nature of the external scores, the Daijin pipeline currently does not offer any system to generate these scores. This might change in the future.


our laboratory has implemented a novel pipeline, Minos (https://github.com/EI-CoreBioinformatics/minos) for integrating multiple sources of evidence using Mikado. Internally, Minos makes use of the external metrics described here. We recommend having a look at the pipeline for inspiration.

9.4.1. Adding external scores to the scoring file

Once the external metrics have been properly loaded, it is necessary to tell Mikado how to use them. This requires modifying the scoring file itself. The header that we used in the table above does provide the names of the metrics as they will be seen by Mikado.

Let us say that we have performed an expression analysis on our transcripts, and we have created and loaded the following three metrics:

  • “fraction_covered”, ie the percentage of the transcript covered by at least X reads (where X is decided by the experimenter)
  • “samples_expressed”, ie the percentage of samples where the transcript was expressed over a certain threshold (e.g. 1 TPM)
  • “has_coverage_gaps”, ie a boolean metrics that indicates whether there are windows within the transcript that lowly or not at all covered (e.g. a 100bp stretch with no coverage between two highly covered regions, indicating a possilble intron retention or chimera). For this example, a value of “0” indicates that there no coverage gaps (ie. it is False that there are gaps), “1” otherwise (it is True that there are coverage gaps).

We can now use these metrics as normal, by invoking them as “external.” followed by the name of the metrics: e.g., “external.fraction_covered”. So for example, if we wished to prioritise transcripts that are expressed in the highest number of samples and are completely covered by RNASeq data upon reads realignment, under “scoring”, we can add the following:

    # [ ... other metrics ... ]
    - external.samples_expressed: {rescaling: max}
    - external.fraction_covered: {rescaling: max}

And if we wanted to consider any primary transcript with coverage gaps as a potential fragment, under the “fragmentary” section we could do so:

    # other metrics ..
    - and (external.has_coverage_gaps)
    # Finished expression
    # other metrics ...
    external.has_coverage_gaps: {operator: eq, value: 0}  # Please note, again, that here "0" means "no coverage gaps detected".
    # other metrics ...

As external metrics allow Mikado to accept any arbitrary metric for each transcript, they allow the program to assess transcripts in any way the experimenter desires. However, currently we do not provide any way of automating the process.


also for external metrics, it is necessary to add a suffix to them if they are invoked more than once in an expression (see the tutorial). An invocation of e.g. “external.samples_expressed.mono” and “external.samples_expressed.multi”, to distinguish between monoexonic and multiexonic transcripts, would be perfectly valid and actually required by Mikado. Notice the double use of the dot (“.”) as separator. Its usage as such is the reason that it cannot be present in the name of the metric itself (so, for example, “has.coverage.gaps” would be an invalid metric name).

9.5. Attributes metrics

Starting from version 2, Mikado allows the usage of metrics defined in the attributes of the input files, these metrics behave as the rest of the metrics but they are gathered at runtime from the input datasets. It is important to note that these metrics must be equivalent in all the inputs and are by default initialised to “0” when a transcript does not have an attribute defining the metric. The default initialisation value can be overridden in the scoring file.

Attribute metrics along with the required rescaling parameter, can define an rtype parameter as one of (float, int or bool) which will be used to cast the value of the attribute internally. Currently the types available are: integers (int), reals (float) and booleans (bool). The rtype will define how the value in the attribute will be represented or treated internally in mikado, i.e an attribute has a value of “3.2” but the rtype is defined as int, this value will be casted from a real number to an integer which usually in python just truncates to “3” for any number between 3 and 4. If the type was treated as a ‘float’ the internal value in mikado for this attribute would be “3.2”, finally were this parameter’s rtype be defined as bool it’s value internally in mikado would be ‘True’ which is the case for any number not equal to “0”. Finally, a percentage boolean which indicates that the values are in the 0-100 range and enables a transformation to the 0-1 range so that these can be used as ‘raw’ scores (see the scoring algorithm section).

An example for the usage of these metrics could be:

Chr5    Cufflinks       transcript      26581218        26583874        1000    -       .       gene_id "cufflinks_star_at.23551";transcript_id "cufflinks_star_at.23551.1";exon_number "1";FPKM "0.4343609420";conf_hi "0.577851";frac "0.751684";cov "11.982854";conf_lo "0.293994";percentage_score "42.42"
Chr5    Cufflinks       exon    26581218        26581528        .       -       .       gene_id "cufflinks_star_at.23551";transcript_id "cufflinks_star_at.23551.1";
Chr5    Cufflinks       exon    26583335        26583874        .       -       .       gene_id "cufflinks_star_at.23551";transcript_id "cufflinks_star_at.23551.1";

If the scoring file defines:

    # [ ... other metrics ... ]
    - attributes.FPKM: {rescaling: max}
    - attributes.frac: {rescaling: max, use_raw: true}
    - attributes.percentage_score: {rescaling: max, use_raw: true, percentage: true}
    - attributes.cov: {rescaling: max, use_raw: true, multiplier: 1, rtype: int, default: 1}

The same scoring rules defined previously will apply to metrics obtained from the transcript’s attributes.