.. _Portcullis: https://github.com/maplesond/portcullis .. _Usage: Usage ===== Mikado is composed of four different programs (``configure``, ``prepare``, ``serialise``, ``pick``) which have to be executed serially to go from an ensemble of different assemblies to the final dataset. In addition to these core programs, Mikado provides a utility to compare annotations, similarly to CuffCompare and ParsEval (*compare*), and various other minor utilities to perform operations such as extracting regions from a GFF, convert between different gene annotation formats, etc. Mikado pipeline stages ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 Configure Prepare Serialise Pick The Mikado pipeline is composed of four different stages, that have to be executed serially: #. :ref:`configure`, for creating the configuration file that will be used throughout the run. #. :ref:`prepare`, for collapsing the input assemblies into a single file. After this step, it is possible to perform additional analyses on the data such as TransDecoder (highly recommended), Portcullis_, or BLAST. #. :ref:`serialise`, to gather all external data into a single database. #. :ref:`pick`, to perform the actual selection of the best transcripts in each locus. Compare ~~~~~~~ .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 Compare Mikado also comprises a dedicated utility, :ref:`Mikado compare `, to assess the similarity between two annotations. Daijin ~~~~~~ .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 Daijin Mikado provides a pipeline manager, :ref:`Daijin `, to align and assemble transcripts with multiple methods and subsequently choose the best assemblies among the options. The pipeline is implemented using Snakemake [Snake]_. Miscellaneous utilities ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 Utilities Finally, Mikado provides some dedicated utilities to perform common tasks. * Some of the utilities are :ref:`integral to the Mikado suite ` and can be accessed as subcommands of Mikado. These utilities comprise programs to calculate annotation statistics, retrieve or exclude specific loci from a file, etc. * Other utilities are provided as :ref:`stand-alone scripts `; while some of them directly depend on the Mikado library, this is not necessarily the case for them all.